When you work out, what do you wear? Probably something stretchy and breathable, like leggings and a sports bra. Or maybe you prefer the Adam Sandler model and opt for big shorts and an even bigger T-shirt. I’m here to tell you there’s a new innovation in the workoutwear space courtesy of Lenny Kravitz: leather pants and a mesh top.
On Tuesday, Kravitz shared a video of himself working out. Because he’s Lenny Kravitz, nothing about this video is what you or I would call “normal.” Let’s take a look.
You really do have to appreciate Kravitz’s commitment to leather. Even after his dick popped out that one time, he continues to wear the tightest, lowest-rise pants in all sorts of situations. Think about how it feels to wear leather pants in normal circumstances. Now think about wearing them while doing whatever the hell this exercise is. Do you think he baby-powdered his thighs in anticipation of sweating?
This is, I think, a perfect piece of celebrity content. It’s completely bizarre, really funny, and somehow still winds up being charming. There are so many parts of it to love: the way no one in that Equinox is paying attention to the patently nuts thing happening right next to them; the fact that both Kravitz and his trainer are wearing indoor sunglasses (the trainer has an awesome Instagram, in case you’re curious). But most of all it’s the outfit, which is a pure encapsulation of famous-person nonsense. It’s not functional, he looks hot in it, and no civilian would dare try to pull it off. God bless you, Lenny Kravitz.
By Olivia Craighead , 2024-04-10 17:35:23
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