Category : urban

america brooklyn Bushwick candycane city decorative Gallery graffiti industrial justingreen19 justingreenphotography manhattan newyork newyorkcity ny nyc paint pipes plumbing sewervent spraypaint streetart streetphotography unitedstates urban urbanabstract usa ventilation

Candy Cane Pipes

[ad_1] justingreen19 has added a photo to the pool: Graffiti on ventilation pipes in Bushwick, Brooklyn, New York City. Justin [ad_2] justingreen19 , 2024-06-26...
brooklyn covid19 dusk Gallery gf2 greenpoint kosciuszkobridge leicadgsummilux25f14 m43 manhatan microfourthirds mirrorlesscamera nativem43lens nyc panasonic pandemic skyline socialdistancing streetphotography sunset urban walkday walkingroute

NYC Sunset (Day 314)

[ad_1] Joey Makalintal has added a photo to the pool: Walk Day / Social Distancing Day 314, 01/21/2021, Greenpoint, NY Panasonic DMC-GF2 LEICA DG SUMMILUX...
brooklyn covid19 dusk Gallery gf2 greenpoint kosciuszkobridge leicadgsummilux25f14 m43 manhatan microfourthirds mirrorlesscamera nativem43lens nyc panasonic pandemic skyline socialdistancing streetphotography sunset urban walkday walkingroute

NYC Sunset (Day 314)

[ad_1] Joey Makalintal has added a photo to the pool: Walk Day / Social Distancing Day 314, 01/21/2021, Greenpoint, NY Panasonic DMC-GF2 LEICA DG SUMMILUX...
brooklyn covid19 dusk Gallery gf2 greenpoint kosciuszkobridge leicadgsummilux25f14 m43 manhatan microfourthirds mirrorlesscamera nativem43lens nyc panasonic pandemic skyline socialdistancing streetphotography sunset urban walkday walkingroute

NYC Sunset (Day 314)

[ad_1] Joey Makalintal has added a photo to the pool: Walk Day / Social Distancing Day 314, 01/21/2021, Greenpoint, NY Panasonic DMC-GF2 LEICA DG SUMMILUX...

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