
Which Pop Girl Is ‘Girl, So Confusing’ About?


Photo-Illustration: Vulture; Photos: Taylor Hill/Getty Images, Jacopo Raule/Getty Images

In the year of the musical feud, an almost-diss track is rare. But that’s exactly what Charli XCX does on her new album Brat, out June 7. On “Girl, so confusing,” she sings about someone she doesn’t completely dislike and definitely doesn’t want to destroy, but certainly has complex feelings about. Because we, as pop fans, are genetically predisposed to nosiness, there have been guesses galore about who the song is about since it debuted (or at least since people heard the leaks). Who is the girl that is oh so confusing? Let’s rewind and talk talk about the girl, the post, and whether she showed up to Charli’s party.

What are the lyrics and allegations?

Before we get too deep into any Lorde lore, we should begin with the song itself. What we know about this person:

People say we’re alike

They say we’ve got the same hair

So it has to be someone that Charli at least looks like. Who fits that bill best? Well, it’s Lorde. Both pop girlies have long, wavy brown locks (when Charli isn’t bobbing), so it’s definitely a match. As for the personality of this person, Charli says:

You’re all about writing poems

But I’m about throwing parties

Think you should come to my party

And put your hands up

Well, first of all, if it is about her, Lorde does have a very famous song in which she sings, “I’m kind of over gettin’ told to throw my hands up in the air,” so telling her she should put her hands up is probably not the best strategy for compromise. As far as poetry, Lorde is a writer in the dark. Plus the two have definitely interacted before (Charli famously has a song on the Lorde-curated Mockingjay Part 1 soundtrack) and have definitely been compared to and mistaken for each other before (see here and here). But is that enough to assume Charli would write a song about her?

What has Charli said about the song?

“I haven’t quite decided whether I’m revealing,” Charli explained on Las Culturistas. “When I wrote it, I was like, ‘I’m revealing!’ But now, you know, the time is here; I’m like, ‘Mmm.’” We won’t hold it against you, Charlotte — it’s fun to speculate. “People are gonna guess,” she added. “You probably have an accurate guess, and I’m not gonna say out loud ’cause you’ll tell by my face, but it’s probably going to be that person.” Good lord!

As for the song itself, Charli defends her right to not be a girls’ girl for every girl. “I think we live in the world of pop music right now where women are like, ‘I support other women! I love women! I’m a feminist,’” she told Las Cultch. “And that’s great. Love that. I don’t think you become a bad feminist if you maybe don’t see eye to eye with every single woman. That’s not the nature of human beings. There’s a competitiveness between us. There’s envy. There’s camaraderie. There’s all of these different dynamics.”

How does Charli feel about Lorde?

It’s not like Charli is quiet about her envy. She’s seeing Brat green. “When ‘Royals’ came out, I was super jealous of the success that that song got, and that Ella got,” Charli told Rolling Stone UK in May. “You piece all this stuff together in your brain, like: ‘She was into my music. She had big hair; I had big hair. She wore black lipstick; I once wore black lipstick.’ You create these parallels and think, ‘Well, that could have been me.’ But it couldn’t have because we’re completely different people.” So Lorde’s been on the mind for sure — even if “Royals” did come out in 2013.

Has Lorde responded at all?

Actually … yes! The famously reclusive pop star actually did come to one of Charli’s parties (but no confirmation if she put her hands up). On June 11, Lorde went to Charli’s show at the Brooklyn Paramount, and it was captured on social media. The next morning, she posted a pic on her story captioned “a brat.” Glad she accepted the offer.

But wouldn’t you want to attend a concert for your fave album? “The only album i’ve ever presaved is out today,” Lorde wrote in an Instagram Story on June 6, the day before Brat came out. “Charli just cooked this one different … So much grit, grace & skin in the game. I speak for all of us when I say it’s an honour to be moved, changed and gagged by her work. there is NO ONE like this bitch. Brava and welcome Brat.” Seeing as “Girl, so confusing” is concerned with Charli’s interiority, not with making fun of the subject, it makes sense that the poppelgängers would want to clear the air. And maybe there’s still space for them to collab? Please?

This post has been updated.


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Jason P. Frank,Alejandra Gularte , 2024-06-12 16:06:00

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