Madame Clairevoyant: Horoscopes for the Week of April 21–27


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Full moons tend to demand that you finally confront any feelings you’ve been doing your best to ignore, and the one in provocative Scorpio on Tuesday is likely to dredge up hidden emotions in a particularly intense way. It’s a perfect opportunity to release old baggage, but you have to be brave enough to face it head-on first. Then Mercury retrograde ends Thursday morning, and the planet of communication begins moving forward again in Aries. You’ll be able to expect fewer misunderstandings, so don’t be afraid to speak your mind — the more straightforward you are, the better. In the meantime, find the weekly horoscope for each zodiac sign, below.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

You understand that healthy relationships are about reciprocity, but you’re not one to obsessively balance the books. You generally trust that things will shake out over time. Sometimes, though, that takes a little extra effort and intention on your part. If you’ve been taking more than you’ve been giving, now is a time to change that. And if you’ve been generous with your time and energy without getting much in return, don’t just hope that things will eventually change: Ask for what you need. Demand it, even.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Once an idea is firmly planted in your mind — a principle you’ve decided to live by, a dream you want to pursue — there’s virtually nothing that can dissuade you from it. Your determination is unmatched. This week, though, you’re likely to find that others can be stubborn, too. As much as you’re unwilling to be swayed by a friend’s or partner’s argument, they’re equally unwilling to be swayed by yours. Neither of you are about to be pushed or browbeaten into changing your mind. The only way forward right now is to work together and find a shared solution.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

You might not know what you want out of life right now — relationships are confusing, your career is at a crossroads, the future unclear. But this week, it’ll become overwhelmingly clear what you don’t want. Nothing seems like quite the right fit; no matter how many opportunities come your way, none of them light you up. For now, at least, give yourself permission to be picky. Turning down invitations you don’t want and stepping away from unhealthy relationships will ultimately make it possible for you to discover what you’ve been wanting all along.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Lately, life feels somewhat predictable. It’s not necessarily boring (so much is happening, and there’s plenty for you to do, but it does all seem to unfold exactly how you expect it to. You wish something or someone would genuinely surprise you, make the world seem magical and new again. But this week, you’ll be disappointed if you wait for someone else to shake you out of your doldrums. You have the power to take risks and reject the ordinary, easy choices. If you want adventure and surprise, your best bet is to find (or create) it yourself.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

The more love and kindness you give to others, the more necessary it is that you assert yourself every once in a while. You consistently show up for your friends, but they might need the occasional reminder that they should be showing up for you in return. Don’t hesitate to stand up for your needs this week. You might fear you’re being selfish or inappropriately demanding, but really, it’s a way of honoring and tending to your relationships. This is how you make sure there’s no space for resentment to creep in.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

You’re excellent at taking care of business — partly because of your solid work ethic, partly because you simply can’t stand leaving boxes unchecked, projects unfinished, questions unanswered. Lately, though, there are tasks or problems that have dragged on with no end in sight. Maybe they’ve been too mind-numbing or stressful to deal with, maybe you’ve been distracted by other matters, but whatever the reason, this is a week to finish anything that’s been lingering too long on your to-do list. You’ll feel so much better once you’ve put it behind you.

Libra Weekly Horoscope

A certain amount of discomfort is inevitable, even healthy, in life. Putting yourself in unfamiliar situations is how you grow; taking social risks makes your life bigger, more vibrant. Still, remember that there’s no virtue in being uncomfortable all the time; you deserve spaces where you can relax and be fully at ease, too. This week, get rid of unnecessary sources of irritation: the shoes that don’t quite fit, the chair that hurts your back, the social engagements you never enjoy. Make life easier and more pleasant for yourself where you can.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

You’re not one to open up to new people immediately. You’ve been burned in the past, so you learned that it’s better to cover up the strange and embarrassing and vulnerable parts of yourself. It takes time before you’re ready to let your true self show. This week, though, hiding away will take more of your energy than it’s worth. It’s not your job to appear flawless or mysterious or effortlessly cool. It’s enough just to be who you are. If you find that some people don’t like you for who you really are, that’s their problem, not yours.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Right now, it’s easy to blame all your dissatisfaction in life on other people’s actions, from the friends who annoy you to the coworkers who aren’t reliable and the powerful people who seem hell bent on making our world worse. While it’s true that plenty of the problems in the world aren’t your fault or your responsibility, imagining that you’re powerless helps no one. This week, take some time to figure out what is within your control. What changes can you make to your own daily life, your community, your corner of the world?

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Sometimes, friendships get pushed to the back burner — not because you don’t value them but because emergencies pop up at work, or your family needs your attention, or you simply desire time alone. There’s nothing wrong with this; all relationships go through ebbs and flows. If you’ve felt distant from your friends, though, this week is a good time to reconnect. Reach out to the people you haven’t heard from in a while. Spend time with the ones you’ve been missing and remember that your life is full of love.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

To a certain point, you’ve grown accustomed to feeling unappreciated. The cost of living unconventionally and taking your own path is that sometimes others (even the people who love you) don’t really see or understand you. This week, however, expect much more attention than you’re used to. All the work you’ve been quietly doing is finally being appreciated; your best ideas are being taken seriously at last. At least for now, it will be impossible to fly under the radar, so don’t try to hide. Enjoy the recognition: You’ve worked hard and you deserve it.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

It’s easy to trust your intuition when it’s whispering the same thing your friends are telling you, easy to have faith in your off-the-wall ideas when other people also see the value in them. It’s much harder when your gut leads you against the current — after all, no one’s right all the time. This week, listen to advice from the people you respect, but listen to your own instincts, too, even if they lead you in unusual directions. You don’t have to do the same things everyone else is doing. Give yourself space to be different.

Read the weekly horoscopes for the week of April 14. The weekly horoscopes for the week of April 28 will be online next Sunday.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.


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Claire Comstock-Gay , 2024-04-20 01:32:25

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