
A Guide to the Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn


Photo: by The Cut; Photos: Getty Images

The zodiac is divided into 12 signs, categorized by four elements: fire, air, water, and earth. Unlike the other elements of the zodiac, the earth signs — Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn — are real, corporeal. Think about the stuff that emerges from the earth (precious stones, harvests, clay); it has tangible value in the material world. We can touch it, we can build with it, we can share it.

The physical world exists beyond our personal psyche as something we can actually rely on, in a nonexistential way. And the earth signs show up for others in a real, flesh-and-blood kind of way. Now, let’s dig deep and dive into everything you need to know about the earth signs.

What does the element of earth represent in astrology?

Traditionally, the element of earth has always been concerned with matter itself, the biology of human existence, fertility and life creation, and all terrestrial matters. Earth speaks to structure, connection to our physical bodies, and engagement with the broader world — the real world, the one that exists beyond memes and simulacra. Earth is nature’s limitless wisdom, divine landscapes and plant medicine that nurture on both a physical and spiritual level. Earth takes care of us.

The three earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, each of which explores a different dimension of the earth element.

Taurus: The Gourmand

Taurus, a fixed sign, occurs in the middle of spring, when nature’s lush flora and fauna begins to burst from the soil. All the fixed signs — Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius — are known to be stubborn and obstinate, but no other sign is actually set in stone like Taurus. As an earth sign, Taurus is the stone. Symbolized by the bull, Taurus is grounded, rooted, and committed. When Taurus loves something, it doesn’t want it taken away. I mean, why should it be taken away?

And Taurus loves to love — that’s why this sign is ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty and adoration. Taurus relishes the good stuff, the kinds of offerings that would be made to Venus at an ancient Roman shrine: fine foods, intoxicating spirits, elegant furnishings, fine fabrics, and precious jewels. Taurus wants to gather all those physical goods into one perfectly cozy space. To tuck them away in their den. This possessiveness can extend from their material possessions to their lovers, and while that can be consistent and comforting, it can tend toward smothering. If Taurus operates in a scarcity mentality, it’s important to practice the ability to give things away.

Famous Taurus suns include Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Cher, Megan Fox, Carmen Electra, Janet Jackson, Queen Elizabeth II, and George Clooney. Known for their distinctive taste, among other things, these names remind us what it takes to exist boldly and unapologetically.

Virgo: The Organizer

Virgo takes place at the end of summer, just as the blooms have exhausted their yield and we begin to collect the harvest. Virgo’s place in the zodiacal calendar makes Virgo a mutable sign, centered around change and fluctuation. This might be surprising, given Virgo’s stereotypical anal-retentive reputation, whereas the other mutable signs (Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces) are a little looser. But Virgos are actually constantly adjusting, endlessly aware of the balance between their material needs and those of others, always holding space. Always analyzing. Always contemplating. Always calibrating. Virgos are constantly keeping score, even when we wish they weren’t.

Virgo is symbolized by “the Virgin,” a maiden replete with long locks and a sheaf of wheat. Let’s not imagine this virgin within the context of a promise ring. Instead, picture the goddess Diana, sprinting through the woods with her bow and arrow, refusing to stop for any man, even a god. Virgo is fiercely independent and steadfast in the belief that it can do everything itself, and do it better. Of course, this isn’t always true, but Virgo will readjust until it can do it as perfectly as possible.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury, which means that its stock and trade lies in information and messaging. Again, let’s recall the Greco-Roman roots of these archetypes: Mercury, the god, was the courier of the heavens, the only force that could travel everywhere without inhibitions, with speed and grace, from the peaks of Olympus to the depths of the underworld. Virgo is constantly collecting information, speeding from place to place, compiling, organizing, and disseminating. It considers this transmission of knowledge its duty and obligation, and it is determined to make sure the systems are operating as smoothly as possible.

Renowned Virgo suns include Mother Teresa, Keanu Reeves, Beyoncé, Freddie Mercury, Amy Winehouse, Jesse Owens, and Mary Shelly. Their fame emerges from their messages: lyrics, mottoes, and reputations that service others more than they ever served themselves.

Capricorn: The Architect

Capricorn is the last earth sign of the zodiac, and the final cardinal sign. That means that, like other cardinal signs that begin seasons (Aries, Cancer, and Libra), there is a sense of immediacy and urgency underlying everything Capricorns do. They’re ambitious, they’re ready to get it done, and they want to do it now. There is simply no time for the distractions of aerial solipsism, watery feelings, or fiery madness in the Capricorn world. There is only tangible physical earth: the things we can touch and see, the material achievements, and the terrestrial accomplishments.

Symbolized by the sea-goat — the mythical creature that’s half-goat, half-fish — Capricorns can traverse any number of terrains. In fact, there’s no challenge that feels too daunting for Capricorn to take on. Naturally, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of structure and discipline, the astrological embodiment of Father Time — the most memento-mori planet. Saturn says, “Do it here, do it now, or it won’t matter. Get it done before it’s all over, because second chances and next lives are never guaranteed.”

Capricorns can hustle like no other sign in the zodiac, but their goals and commitment to the grind can cause them to disregard personal milestones and interpersonal connections. This Saturn rulership can be a source of maturity but also demarcate the harsh boundaries of isolation. Hey, it can be lonely at the top! Fundamentally, though, Capricorn is determined to remain focused and present, totally committed to the moment. In a sort of a backward way, Capricorn’s signature stoicism reminds us what it takes to be alive.

Well-known Capricorn suns include Dolly Parton, Greta Thunberg, Martin Luther King Jr., Nicolas Cage, David Bowie, Charo, Betty White, and John Legend. They all possess an almost superhuman internal drive and attention, a relentless pursuit for worldly impact — and nothing stands in their way.

This story has been updated. Additional reporting by Liana Mack.


By Aliza Kelly , 2024-04-05 22:00:00

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