
202405031 New York City Chelsea and Hudson Yards


taigatrommelchen has added a photo to the pool:

202405031 New York City Chelsea and Hudson Yards

The Hudson Yards above a new building based on a former warehouse at the corner of 12th Avenue/ West 28th Street

Die Hudson Yards über einem neuen Gebäude auf einem ehemaligen Hafenlagerhaus an der Ecke der 12th Avenue/ West 28th Street

Some buildings/ einige Gebäude:
’55 Hudson Yards’, ’35 Hudson Yards’ (‘Equinox Tower’), ‘601 West 29th Street’ (‘3Eleven’) and ’15 Hudson Yards’
On the right the facades of/ rechts die Fassade des:
‘Starrett-Lehigh Building’



taigatrommelchen , 2024-05-30 12:52:58

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