blackandwhite commuter Gallery manhattan mta newyorkcity nikon nyc subway unionsquare z9



wilkes.snaps has added a photo to the pool:

Union Square. New York City.

I spotted this fellow at the subway entrance. He saw me bending down to peer at him through the railing. He gave me a quizzical look. I went over to him and told him I thought a picture of him shot through the railing with the subway sign in the foreground might make for a fun photograph. He agreed. We both went back to our original positions and I made the photograph. I gave him a thumbs up to let him know I got it. I thought he’d just continue down the subway steps, but instead, he came running over and asked to see the photo. “Cool”. I then asked him for a portrait which I’ll post tomorrow.


wilkes.snaps , 2024-05-13 13:59:47

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