
Steel Yourself for Saturday’s Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction


Photo-Illustration: by Preeti Kinha; Photos: Getty Images

Yes, the eclipses are over and we’re almost on the other side of this latest Mercury retrograde — but did you really think we were done with major, cataclysmic, life-changing astrology? Well, think again. One of 2024’s most significant astrological events is taking place on Saturday, April 21, at exactly 10:27 p.m. ET: Jupiter and Uranus will align in Taurus for the first time since 1941. Is it a big deal? Yep!

Read on to find out what this Jupiter-Uranus conjunction means for you.

Tell me about Jupiter in astrology.

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, and, symbolically, this celestial body reveals that size does matter. Named after the Roman god of the sky (also known as Zeus in Greek mythology), Jupiter is all about expansion. Jupiter is associated with luck, fortune, and bountiful opportunities — in fact, Jupiter’s auspicious tidings earned it the title of “Great Benefic.”

But too much of a good thing is still … too much. And since Jupiter is the planet of expansion, it’s known to amplify anything it touches. Excesses, indulgences, and extremism are also associated with Jupiter. This is especially important as it relates to its upcoming connection with Uranus.

Okay, and what’s up with Uranus in astrology?

Even by outer-space standards, Uranus is a bit of an oddball. The only planet named after a Greek deity, Uranus is tilted so far on its axis — a whopping 97.7-degree tilt — that it practically orbits on its side. And, because “there are no coincidences,” this perfectly mirrors Uranus’ symbolism: Uranus is the planet of innovation, revolution, and eccentricity.

Named after the lightning god himself, Uranus is all about shock and awe, so this planet is distinctly erratic and unpredictable. And there’s nothing Uranus loves more than to break the rules, to challenge the powers that be and disrupt the status quo. So we should always expect the unexpected when it comes to Uranus.

And that’s exactly what makes this upcoming Jupiter-Uranus conjunction so noteworthy …

So what’s the deal with this Jupiter-Uranus conjunction?

Conjunctions occur when planets meet, from our view here on Earth, in the same exact point in the sky. This aspect blends the energy of the two planets, creating a dynamic fusion that transforms into a single energetic expression. And, since Jupiter’s keyword is “more” and Uranus’ is “revolution,” we can infer what this cosmic coupling implies: more revolution.

While Jupiter and Uranus connect every 14 years (the last instances were June 8, 2010; September 18, 2010; and January 4, 2011), they haven’t aligned in the sign of Taurus since the early 1940s. Taurus, the first earth sign of the zodiac, is associated with materiality, resources, and the physical world. All terrestrial and corporeal matters — food, finances, the environment, and the body itself — fall under its domain. Sturdy and stable, Taurus is anchored by things that are real, tangible, and rooted in reality.

Uranus first entered Taurus in 2018, which has so far been an interesting pairing (to say the least). While Uranus is progressive and offbeat, Taurus tends toward traditionalism and conservatism, so the combination has been — broadly speaking — challenging our perception of stability. Since Uranus entered this sign, we’ve experienced the wax and wane of cryptocurrency, alarming climate crises, and — who could forget! — a global pandemic. Just to name a few.

It’s safe to say that our foundation has definitely been rocked since Uranus entered this sign.

Moving on, Jupiter joined Taurus’ sky more recently, first entering Taurus’ domain on May 16, 2023. But now, with Jupiter connecting to Uranus for the first time in 14 years, we can expect Uranian themes to be amplified.

So what should we expect? As Taurus is associated with the physical earth, it’s possible that we can anticipate shifts in boundaries or borders. Or perhaps the conjunction will catalyze major changes in financial disruption: perhaps true student-loan forgiveness? Or regulations on college tuition? Or properly taxing the rapidly increasing billionaire class? A girl can dream!

On a personal level, consider how the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction can catalyze your own personal revolution. Since Taurus is associated with values, consider how yours are transforming. Maybe your priorities are going through their own metamorphosis? Perhaps your relationship with money, or beauty, or your body is changing? If you’ve been shackled by oppressive societal norms or harmful, outdated narratives, this is a beautiful opportunity to resist conformity and celebrate your individuality. Finally dye your hair a color not found in nature! Tell your partner you’re interested in ethical non-monogamy! But maybe don’t invest all your hard-earned money on that MLM your friend from high school just DM’d you about! Onward!

More astrology news and guides

  • Get Ready for the Solar Eclipse in Aries to Change You
  • A Guide to the Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
  • How to Understand Every Zodiac Sign, by Element


Aliza Kelly , 2024-04-19 14:00:47

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