Niles election referendum submitted
On Monday March 25th the following petition for referendum was submitted to the Village of Niles Clerk.
“Shall the village be divided into six districts with one trustee elected from each district in accordance with Illinois Municipal Code (65 ILCS 5/3.1-25-75)?”
The Petition consisted of 173 sheets with 1,704 signatures of Niles voters. It is intended to appear on the Nov. 5, 2024 ballot where a large turnout of Niles voters is expected.
There are many advantages to Niles residents in having district representation.
1. It would give residents a local trustee who would be more aware of the needs,
problems and concerns of residents of that district.
2. Every area would have a voice on village policy and where and what money
is budgeted for.
3. Voters would know the candidates who are their neighbors and make a more
informative choice at the ballot box.
4. By running in one district rather than village-wide, it would be less expensive to
campaign for office and hopefully more concerned citizens who want to serve
will seek election.
5. Currently village-wide slates (parties) are formed and candidates on those
slates are selected because they will be “yes” people for the slate.
6. Special interests in the Village of Niles make substantial campaign contributions
to slates, candidates, friends of candidates, and committees, etc. This
information is available through quarterly filings with the Illinois State Board
of Elections.
7. Independent candidates will be better able to win elections rather than the
same clique of people that has existed for decades.
When Niles was several thousand people residing near Milwaukee and Touhy Avenues a century ago, at-large elections were adequate, but currently the many neighborhoods of a much larger Niles have different needs, problems and concerns that can best be addressed with district representation.
Joe Makula
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Pioneer Press , 2024-04-08 05:29:40
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