
A Guide to the Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius


Photo: by The Cut; Photos: Getty Images

Astrology divides the zodiac by four elements: air, fire, water, and earth. When it comes to fire signs, it’s easy to describe the qualities of this element based on metaphors alone. We still call people “fiery,” both as a compliment and an insult. And the fire signs — Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius — certainly live up to their element. These three radiant signs are famous for their signature passion, creativity, and courage. Natural-born leaders, fire signs know how to bring the heat. But what else should you know about these three vibrant signs? Read on to find out.

What does the element of fire represent in astrology?

The consequences of fire — creation and destruction — are obvious and overt. Fire can heat your home … or burn it to the ground. Rituals around fire exist in almost every major religion and New Age ceremony, from lighting candles to cremating remains. And, with fire stories at the center of many creation myths, one thing’s for sure: Fire is powerful stuff.

Aries: The Creator

Aries is a cardinal sign, which means it kicks off the beginning of a season and is associated with initiation, fresh starts, and trailblazing ideas. And, in the case of Aries, this sign doesn’t just coincide with the beginning of a season — it marks the beginning of spring, the vernal equinox, and the start of the cosmic new year. Indeed, Aries is the first sign on the astrological wheel, which is why it’s often (lovingly) referred to as the baby of the zodiac.

And what a baby it is.

Represented by the ram (which loves headbutting absolutely everything), perhaps the best way to think of Aries is to recall your short-lived middle-school pyro phase: flicking lighters to watch them burn, setting matches to see what happens. There is an eagerness at discovery, an impulsivity that lends itself to doing things right now, and an ignorance of long-term consequences that is both brilliantly youthful and completely irresponsible.

Aries is a brash, irascible placement, trigger-happy in the best and worst of ways. Aries is a starter but not necessarily a finisher. This sign is ruled by Mars, the god of war. Warriors are often young and reckless, ignorant to the dark horrors of ongoing conflict but eager to prove their mettle. It’s an energy that resists reality checks but propels action. The impulsive energy of Aries might drive conflict, but it also isn’t too stubborn to learn a lesson. When we say “fiery” — a fiery personality, a fiery temperament — we are usually referring to Aries energy: base, loud, and unashamed.

Some famous, high-intensity Aries suns include Céline Dion, Vincent Van Gogh, Charlie Chaplin, Elton John, Mariah Carey, Lady Gaga, Lil Nas X, and Harry Houdini. Despite the flaws these celebrities might exhibit, we admire their courage in doing things first and their bravery in believing they’re the best in a world that discourages ambitious childhood hopes and dreams.

Leo: The Performer

Occuring in the middle of the season (the middle of the hottest season), Leo embodies the essence of flame. And symbolized by the regal lion, Leo knows it is zodiac royalty. In fact, Leo is very painstakingly aware of its own magnificence and its power to create or destroy. Think of Leo as a decadent fireplace in a luxurious mansion, ready to be shown off in a shiny Architectural Digest spread. Yes, this hearth may be ostentatious, but it’s also warm and safe. After a long day, Leo’s fire can be relied upon for consistent comfort. Beneath the gilded mantel are bricks and mortar; Leo, loyal and constant, isn’t going anywhere.

As a fixed sign, Leo is reluctant to alter its ways and take advice. Even when change is absolutely necessary, it can be challenging for it to make material adjustments, especially if it wasn’t its idea. Even if its entire estate bursts into flames, Leo will stay standing, a chimney barely hanging onto the skeleton of a house, as if to prove a point. Fire is a challenging element to contain, and Leo smolders, desperate to retain a selfish illusion of control.

Leo is ruled by the sun, and since the sun in astrology represents our ego, Leo is naturally egocentric. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing — we need ego in order to survive. Famous Leo suns include Madonna, Amelia Earhart, Mata Hari, Neil Armstrong, Louis Armstrong, Whitney Houston, Spencer Pratt, and Alfred Hitchcock. Yes, these individuals are all overly self-aware stars of their own shows … but what glamorous, entertaining, and magical shows they are!

Sagittarius: The Explorer

Sagittarius’s season heats up at the end of autumn, the end of the calendar year — right as jolly holiday revelry (and subsequent end-of-year chaos) begin to unfold. The final fire sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius is mutable and ever-evolving. If Aries is the first strike of a flame, and Leo is a regal hearth, Sagittarius is a true wildfire.

As a mutable sign, Sagittarius is known for its insatiable wanderlust. Symbolized by the archer (a mythical half-horse, half-human creature), Sagittarius isn’t afraid to shoot its arrow into the vast unknown. Curious through and through, Sagittarius can talk to anyone about anything. For Sagittarius, all are welcome — all ideas, walks of life, adventures, and inclinations, no matter how unusual or awkward. There is a spirit of generosity here, but also one of detachment; when the wildfire inevitably gets out of hand, Sagittarius struggles to bear the weight of responsibility. It’s a little too comfortable with discomfort: Its ease at existing in extraordinary circumstances means it can struggle to read the room, and its willingness to dip means that whoever is left behind has to mop up the mess.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the patron planet of expansion, and Sagittarius is always looking for new travels, languages, and ideas. This spirit of never-ending growth can lead to trouble if left unchecked, but few signs display such a total lack of inhibition. We owe much to its willingness to take on fresh endeavors without selfishness or greed.

Renowned Sagittarian suns include Jimi Hendrix, Billie Eilish, Bruce Lee, Nero, Jane Fonda, Ozzy Osbourne, and Miley Cyrus. These fire signs can’t be tamed, often against their own best interests. At the same time, however, they became conduits for human connection and generosity, making room for everyone and keeping the eternal flame burning bright.

This story has been updated. Additional reporting by Liana Mack.


By Aliza Kelly , 2024-04-05 22:00:00

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