
Are you prepared for the total eclipse? It’s on Monday, so if you haven’t secured your eclipse glasses yet, you have all weekend to do so. But maybe you have some other questions, like: “Am I even going to see the eclipse?” “Where can I get glasses for free?” “Can I just wait for the next one?” Lucky for you, we have all the answers.
What is an eclipse?
Listen, there are no dumb questions. A solar eclipse happens when the sun, the moon, and Earth all line up — the moon passes between the earth and the sun, casting a shadow onto us. On Monday, there will be a total solar eclipse, meaning that all three celestial bodies are lined up perfectly, and the sun will be completely blocked by the moon. (A partial solar eclipse occurs when the moon isn’t perfectly aligned with the sun and Earth.) Within the path of totality, it will actually get dark for a few minutes. Pretty cool!
What’s the path of the eclipse?
The 115-mile-wide path of totality includes a big chunk of the Midwest, Texas, New England, and the part of upstate New York that’s culturally Midwestern. The casserole belt, if you will. The full list of states that will experience a total eclipse is: Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.
But let’s say you don’t live in Dallas, Indianapolis, or Rochester, and all the Airbnbs in Terre Haute, Indiana, are booked. Luckily for us Americans, the eclipse is very USA-centric. It will be at least partially visible in all of the lower 48.
What time is the eclipse on Monday?
It depends on where in the country you are, but broadly you’re going to want your calendar to be clear in the afternoon. In this country, the eclipse will reach totality in southern Texas at around 1:30 p.m. CDT and will follow along its path for about an hour. So, for example, you can expect totality at 3:27 p.m. EDT in Lancaster, New Hampshire.
To focus on New York for a moment, the eclipse will start around 2:04 p.m. At 3:25 p.m., the moon will be covering 90 percent of the sun, and that’s when you really want to be outside. It won’t get totally dark, but it’ll still be cool to look at. If you have a meeting scheduled for then, you must cancel it. If your boss lacks joie de vivre, take a sick day — it’ll be worth it.
For all non–New Yorkers, it’s very easy to find out when you’ll be able to get the best eclipse view. NASA has a map where you can input your Zip Code and find out when to look up and what percentage of coverage you’re going to get. Shout out to NASA for doing a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to eclipse questions.
Where can I get eclipse glasses?
Let’s get one thing straight: You really do need eclipse glasses. Do not look directly into the sun without them. You could sustain retinal burns, and that would honestly be so embarrassing. Your friends would definitely be talking about how dumb you are behind your back, so let’s figure out where you can get good (read: actually effective) eclipse glasses.
If you want them to be kind of cute, you can swing by Warby Parker. The glasses company is offering free eclipse glasses at their stores while supplies last. They come in a lovely blue color with a celestial pattern. Chic!
If they’re out of glasses at Warby, try your local library. Every library in New York City is offering free eclipse glasses, and if you don’t live in New York City I would still recommend checking with your local library before spending your own money on something you’re going to use for 90 seconds once.
Should you be in a position where you must purchase your own glasses, be smart about it. The American Astronomical Society has a list of reputable manufacturers, so double check the make of your glasses before adding them to your cart. If you’re worried about your glasses arriving in time, you can make a run to Home Depot or Lowe’s, both of which sell real eclipse glasses. And whatever you do, do not just wear regular sunglasses. If you really cannot get your hands on some, I bet if you just walk outside while it’s happening someone will let you borrow theirs.
When is the next eclipse?
The next time a total solar eclipse will be visible from the United States will be on August 23, 2044. Twenty years from now! Who knows what’s going to be going on then? You simply must take in the majesty of the universe when it is presented to you. Go get some eclipse glasses, find a suitable viewing spot, and have fun!
By Olivia Craighead , 2024-04-05 20:24:05
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